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  1. N. Pouyanfar, J. Nourinia, C. Ghobadi, and V. Nayyeri, “Thin, wideband, and high-efficiency Transmissive cross-polarization converter,” in Proc. 54th Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Paris, France, Sep. 2024, pp. 788-791.
  2. A. Sadeghi-Fard, S. -H. Javid-Hosseini, V. Nayyeri, and P. Colantonio, "Low-cost 10-watt CW power amplifier for satellite communication," in Proc. 19th Eur. Microw. Integr. Circuits Conf. (EuMIC), Paris, France, 2024, pp. 399-402.
  3. S. Soghi, H. Heidar, M.R. Haraty, and V. Nayyeri, “Design and simulation of single-layer broadband optically transparent metamaterial absorber based on a fractal pattern with angular stability and polarization insensitivity,” (in Persian), in Proc. 19th Iranian Conf. Electr. Eng. (ICEE), Tehran, Iran, May 2024.
  4. P. Ghazanfarianpoor, S. -H. Javid-Hosseini, F. Abbasnezhad, A. Arian, V. Nayyeri, and P. Colantonio, “A neural network-based pre-distorter for linearization of RF power amplifiers,” in Proc. 22nd Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), Sousse, Tunisia, Oct. 2023.
  5. U. C. Hasar, V. Nayyeri, and O. M. Ramahi “Low-cost permittivity determination of liquid materials using transmission-only measurements,” in Proc. 22nd Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), Sousse, Tunisia, Oct. 2023.
  6. F. Ghorbani, S. Beyraghi, J. Shabanpour, M.E. Lajevardi, V. Nayyeri, P.-Y. Chen, and O. M. Ramahi, “Microwave diagnosis of bone fractures: an artificial intelligence-based approach,” in Proc. 53rd Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2023, pp. 440-443.
  7. H. Akbari-Chelaresi, D. Alsaedi, M. El Badawe, A. M. Albishi, V. Nayyeri, and O. M. Ramahi, “A Mammography system based on low-frequency electromagnetic fields,” in Proc. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI), Portland, OR, USA, 2023, pp. 169-170.
  8. S. H. Mirjahanmardi, S. Ba Raean, H. Akbari-Chelaresi, V. Nayyeri and O. M. Ramahi, “Computerized tomography with low-frequency electromagnetic radiation," in Proc. 2023 International Microwave and Antenna Symposium (IMAS), Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 2023, pp. 95-97.
  9. O. M. Ramahi, S. B. Raean, H. Akbari-Chelaresi, S. H. Mirjahanmardi, and V. Nayyeri, “Computerized tomography with radon transform using microwaves and electrostatics,” in Proc. 2022 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2022, pp. 1-3.
  10. H. Akbari-Chelaresi, D. Alsaedi, M. El Badawe, A. M. Albishi, V. Nayyeri, and O. M. Ramahi, “Metasurfaces antennas for biological imaging,” in Proc. 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), Bangalore, India, Dec. 2022, pp. 1670-1673.
  11. M. Shahmordi, S. H. Javid-Hosseini, V. Nayyeri, R. Giofrè, and P. Colantonio, “A broadband Doherty power amplifier for sub-6 5G applications,”  in Proc. 53rd Annual Meeting of the  Italian Electronics Society (SIE), Rende, Italy, Sep. 2022, pp. 69-74.
  12. F. Moharrami and V. Nayyeri, “Efficient modeling of nonlinear graphene as a surface boundary condition in the finite-difference time-domain method,” in Proc.  52nd Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Milan, Italy, Sep. 2022, pp. 732-735.
  13. F. Abbasnezhad, M. Tayarani, A. Abrishamifar, and V. Nayyeri, GaN power amplifier linearization using second harmonic injection into the input” in Proc. 52nd Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Milan, Italy, Sep. 2022, pp. 353-356.
  14. A. Ghadimi, M. Shirmohammadkarimi, M. Soleimani, and V. Nayyeri, “Broadband radar cross section reduction using generalized phase-polarization cancellation,” in Proc 52nd Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Milan, Italy, Sep. 2022, pp. 728-731.
  15. S. H. Javid-Hosseini, P. Toofanzadeh, and V. Nayyeri, “Planar N-way power combiner with high isolation between input ports,” in Proc. 51st Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), London, UK, Apr. 2022, pp. 83-86.
  16. Z. Rahimian Omam, V. Nayyeri, and O. M. Ramahi, “Microstrip coupled-line directional coupler for high-sensitivity dielectric constant measurement,” in Proc. 51st Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), London, UK, Apr. 2022, pp. 413-416.
  17.  T. Mosavirik, M. Hashemi, M. Soleimani, V. Nayyeri, and O. M. Ramahi, “Material characterization using power measurements: miracle of machine learning,” in Proc. 51st Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), London, UK, Apr. 2022, pp. 606-609.
  18. T. Mosavirik, M. Hashemi, M. Soleimani, V. Nayyeri, and O. M. Ramahi, “Microwave permittivity characterization using power measurements and machine learning,” in Proc. 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP), Jaipur, India, Dec. 2021, pp. 618-620  (Received DR. C.J. Reddy Best Paper Award for Young Professional).
  19. M. Ghazizadeh, S. H. Javid-Hosseini, and V. Nayyeri, “A 90W 1-3 GHz power amplifier module,” in Proc. 50th Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Jaarbeurs, Netherlands, Jan. 2021, pp. 17-20.
  20. M. J. Shabanpour, M. Sedaghat, V. Nayyeri, and O. M. Ramahi, “Liquid crystal-based coding metasurface for real-time wave manipulation,” presented at the IEEE APS-URSI, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 5-10, 2020.
  21. A. Ghadimi, V. Nayyeri, M. Khanjarian, P. Salimi, M. Soleimani, and O. M. Ramahi, “A Pixelated resonator for mutual coupling reduction,” in Proc. IEEE APS-URSI, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 2020, pp. 1925-1926.
  22. A. Ghadimi, V. Nayyeri, M. Khanjarian, P. Salimi, M. Soleimani, O. M. Ramahi, “Mutual coupling reduction by pixelated resonator structure,” in Proc. IEEE Indian Conf. Antennas Propag. (InCAP), Ahmedabad, India, Dec. 2019, pp. 1-2.
  23. S. Rafati, S. H. Javid-Hosseini, V. Nayyeri, and M. Soleimani, “Wideband 100W Doherty Power Amplifier,” in Proc. IEEE 19th Mediterranean Microw. Symp. (MMS), Hammamet, Tunisia, Nov. 2019, pp. 1-4.
  24. M. Moradi, V. Nayyeri, and O. M. Ramahi, “A novel unconditionally-stable finite-difference solution of the 3D time-domain wave equation,” in Proc. 49th Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Paris, France, Oct. 2019, pp. 638–641.
  25. A. Ghadimi, V. Nayyeri, P. Salimi, and M. Soleimani, “Mutual coupling reduction between microstrip patch antennas using pixelated surface,” (in Persian), in Proc. 27th Iranian Conf. Electr. Eng. (ICEE), Yazd, Iran, May 2019, pp. 1-6.
  26. M. Sedaghat, V. Nayyeri, M. Soleimani and O. M. Ramahi, “New approaches to design and realization of dielectric GRIN flat lenses,” in Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Millimeter-Wave Terahertz Technol. (MMWATT), Tehran, Iran, Dec. 2018, pp. 49-53.
  27. H. Taleb-Alhagh Nia, S. H. Javid Hosseini, and V. Nayyeri, “Design and fabrication of 2-6 GHz 25 W and 35 W power amplifiers,” in Proc. 9th Int. Symp. Telecommun. (IST), Tehran, Iran, Dec. 2018, pp. 647–651.
  28. M. Saadat-Safa, V. Nayyeri, M. Khanjarian, M. Soleimani and O. M. Ramahi, “Full characterization of magneto-dielectric materials using a novel CSRR based sensor,” in Proc. 9th Int. Symp. Telecommun. (IST), Tehran, Iran, Dec. 2018, pp. 442–446.
  29. M. Moradi, V. Nayyeri, S. M. Sadrpour, M. Soleimani, and O. M. Ramahi, “A novel finite-difference solution of the time-domain wave equation with a stability criterion relaxed from mesh sizes in two directions,” in Proc. 48th Eur. Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Madrid, Spain, Sep. 2018, pp. 584-587.
  30. S.F. Babazadeh, M. Khanjarian, M. El-Badawe, V. Nayyeri, M. Soleimani, and O. M. Ramahi, “A circularly polarized metasurface antenna,” in Proc. 12th Eur. Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), London, UK, Apr. 2018, pp. 1-3.
  31. B. Ghaderi, V. Nayyeri, M. Soleimani, and O. M. Ramahi, “A novel symmetric ELC resonator for polarization-independent and highly efficient electromagnetic energy harvesting,” in Proc. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Workshop Series on Advance Material and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP), Pavia, Italy, Sep. 2017, pp. 1-3.
  32. M. Feizi, V. Nayyeri, and O. M. Ramahi, “Effective modeling of magnetized graphene in the finite-difference time-domain method,” in Proc. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Workshop Series on Advance Material and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP), Pavia, Italy, Sep. 2017, pp. 1-3.
  33. H. Bizhani, H. Nazockdast, and V. Nayyeri, “Electrical and electromagnetic properties of PC/SAN/MWCNTs nanocomposites,” in Proc. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Workshop Series on Advance Material and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP), Pavia, Italy, Sep. 2017, pp. 1-3.
  34. F. Yahyaei, M.S. Abrishamian, and V. Nayyeri, “Investigation of nonlocal electromagnetic response of graphene nano-ribbons,” (in Persian), in Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Appl. Res. Electr., Mech., Mechatron. Eng. (EMME), Tehran, Iran, Jan. 2017, pp. 1-6.
  35. M. J. Hajiahmadi, V. Nayyeri, and M. Soleimani, “Wideband radar cross-section reduction by electromagnetic band-gap surfaces,” in Proc. Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), New Delhi, India, Dec. 2016, pp. 1-3.
  36. M. Mehranvari, A.A. Katbab, V. Nayyeri, and H. Nazokdast, “Preparation of a radar absorbing material based on PP/EPDM thermoplastic elastomer and carbon nanotube nanocomposite,” in Proc. Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), New Delhi, India, Dec. 2016, pp. 1-3.
  37. M. Mehranvari, A.A. Katbab, V. Nayyeri, and H. Nazokdast, “Preparation of an electromagnetic shielding material based on PP/EPDM thermoplastic vulcanizate and CNT nanocomposite,” in Proc. 12th Int. Seminar Polymer Sci. Technol. (ISPST), Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2016, pp. 1-2.
  38. M. J. Hajiahmadi, V. Nayyeri, and M. Soleimani, “Bandwidth improvement of EBG surfaces for RCS reduction,” (in Persian), in Proc. 1st Inter. Conf. New Res. Achievements Electr. Comput. Eng., Tehran, Iran, May. 2016, pp. 1-10.
  39. S. M. Sadrpour, V. Nayyeri and M. Soleimani, “A new 2D unconditionally stable finite‐difference time‐domain algorithm based on the Crank‐Nicolson scheme,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM), Guangzhou, China, Feb. 2016, pp. 55-57.
  40. V. Nayyeri, M. Soleimani, and O. M. Ramahi, “Effective modeling of graphene as a conducting sheet in the finite-difference time-domain method,” in Proc. IEEE APS-URSI, Orlando, FL, USA, July 2013, pp. 906-907.
  41. V. Nayyeri, M. Soleimani, and O. M. Ramahi, “Effective modeling of graphene as a conducting sheet in the finite-difference time-domain method,” presented at the 4th Int. Conf. Metamaterial Photonic Crystals Plasmonics, Sharjah, UAE, Mar. 18-22, 2013.
  42. D. Zarifi, M. Soleimani, A. Abdolali, and V. Nayyeri, “Analysis of inhomogeneous chiral slab using Taylor’s series expansion,” in Proc. IEEE APS-URSI, Chicago, IL, USA, July 2012, pp. 1-2.
  43. V. Nayyeri, M. Soleimani, and M. Dehmollaian, “PEMC-backed perfectly matched layer as a truncation boundary,” in Proc. IEEE APS-URSI, Chicago, IL, USA, July 2012, pp. 1-2.
  44. V. Nayyeri, M. Soleimani, and M. Dehmollaian, “Implementation of a PEMC boundary condition in the 2-D FDTD technique,” in Proc. IEEE APS-URSI, Chicago, IL, USA, July 2012, pp. 1-2.
  45. D. Zarifi, V. Nayyeri, and M. Soleimani, “Development of semi-planar chiral metamaterials,” in Proc. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Montreal, QC, Canada, Jun 2012, pp. 1-3.
  46. M. Rajabi, N. Komjani, and V. Nayyeri, “Novel technique for improvement of transmission line matrix method algorithm frequency response,” in Proc. IEEE 11th Mediterranean Microw. Symp. (MMS), Tunisia, Sep. 2011, pp.77-80.
  47. V. Nayyeri, M. Soleimani, and M. Dehmollaian, “Analytical and numerical calculation of reflection from a stratified structure backed by a PEMC,” in Proc. IEEE 11th Mediterranean Microw. Symp. (MMS), Tunisia, Sep. 2011, pp.134-137.
  48. V. Nayyeri and M. Soleimani, “Hybrid Taguchi-PSO optimization method,” (in Persian), in Proc. 19th Iranian Conf. Electr. Eng. (ICEE), Tehran, Iran, May 2011, pp. 1496-1501.


                 Vahid Nayyeri

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